
Psychology Music

Before I started my research on music, I've always thought to myself, why not everyone likes the music that I like? And why I don't like some of the music that they're so in love with. In this study, I found out that people who likes different type of music has different type of personality. For example, people who like songs that are more rock and roll are more out going and wild. While those who like songs that are more slower beat are more easy going. It has come to me to see that different music can see other's personalities by just knowing what music they're into.

Music not only can tell personalities, but also help in changing the moods. Different speed of tempo can control your mood, just like your heart beat is following the tempo of the music. Lively tempo makes a person wanting to move and exercise while slower tempo slows down your body activity. This is why people would listen to songs that are more hyped up at gyms and why people listen to softer songs while studying because it helps improve their concentration and relaxes their mind a little bit more.

The psychological effect of music can change the way we think and also a form of communication. Sometimes we couldn't find words to describe our feelings, but songs can. There are many meaningful songs out there that touches different person and has different meaning to each individual. The lyrics of the song can also touch a person's heart when they're listening. It's like someone just broke up and they would sink themselves into a lot of heart breaking songs just so that they can let their tears run through. Some people may say 'how are you?' and you could be fine but once that music that touches you, it could trigger a certain emotion inside of you that lets you let go of holding back, and let your emotions out.

While writing this, it reminds me of a song written by a song writer and a singer himself dedicated to his fiance. It was about his fiance getting into a car crash, in coma and now in her healing process. He wouldn't leave his fiance for anything and was by her side all the time. That song he wrote was very meaningful and had touched people who have been through the same situation. It shows me that music can be a form of language and tells people about their story as well as being shared to the world. Here is the video of the song.

(I won't lie. Every time I hear this song I'll tear a little.)


ChrismedinaVEVO (2011) What are words, Youtube, 25 Feb. Available at: (Accessed 26 June 2016).

eMedExpert (2016) How Music Affects Us and Promotes Health. Available at: (Accessed 26 June 2016).

mFiles (n/a) Tempo and Rhythm. Available at: (Accessed 26 June 2016).

verywell (2016) Music and Personality. Available at: (Accessed 26 June 2016).


theExpress (2015) How Does Music Affect Our Lives? Available at: (26 June 2016).

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