
Chosen Question

I have chosen question number 4, "Must we sacrifice our privacy on the web for greater national security?"

For this question, I will be able to talk about personal privacy. When personal privacy is leaked or given, will it be able to bring benefit or could it be a dangerous act, examples like our GPS location, anonymous hacker, personal conversation will also be given. I will also be talking about on how national privacy can affect everyone. Sharing national privacy to other countries, will it bring any benefit? Will it be able to help solve crimes and understand the other country more? Or will our leaked privacy be taken advantage by other countries and puts every citizen in danger? Not only that, the question on how does the web play it's role and affect our personal or national privacy for national security.

For the beginning, I will be focusing on the meaning and the behind story about national security.

That will be all for this post.

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