
What does Fashion stand for?

Fashion fashion fashion! Fashion is influenced by all the music videos we stream online, books, TV shows or celebrities. In short, it's affected by trend which makes fashion is always changing and changing.

What exactly is fashion and what does it actually stand for? There are many international designers out there who have different views and perspectives about the meaning of fashion for them. Everyone have different experience with different things that's why it's hard to pin point down the actual meaning of fashion.

Even though we can't really say what is the true meaning of fashion, but there are some statements about the definition of it that almost all of us can relate to. Fashion is what defines who we are. What you wear is how you're branding and introducing yourself as to other people. You are telling someone a little about you, it's like a language and you're communicating with other people by how you wear. For example, if you're wearing colorful today, people can feel that you're in a cheerful mood. If you're a person who wears darker colors or black, it gives an impression of you're a cool and moody person.

Fashion is also about communication. By how you present with what you wear is how people are going to recognize you with their first impression. Makeup, accessories does come into making a first decision about you but fashion does play a big role. For example, if you're wearing casual you're more of an easy going person or wearing formal gives people an impression that you're a business man.

All in all, fashion is about you being comfortable with yourself and what you're wearing. It's not about trying to fit into the society, trying your best to impress but being able to be who you are with your own way. That's the best confidence one can wear with fashion.


PBS NewsHour (1999) What is Fashion? Available at: (Accessed 10 June 2016).

TriplePundit (2014) Wear What You Stand For: Uniting Humanity Through Fashion. Available at: (Accessed 10 June 2016).


MailOnline (2014) You are what you DRESS: Clothing has significance effect on self-esteem and confidence, claims expert. Available at: (Accessed 11 June 2016).

OXFAM (2013) What does fashion mean to you? Available at: (Accessed 10 June 2016).

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