

#1st post 
Media Culture
This post is a simple introduction of me starting my Media Culture studies.

#2nd post
Topic Chosen
This post will be about the topic I've chosen for my blog and essay.

#3rd post
Personal Thoughts before Research
This post will be talking about my personal thoughts about fashion and music before my research begins.

#4th post
What does Fashion stand for?
In this post will be talking about what is the meaning of fashion.

#5th post
Fashion and Art
This post is about how fashion is beling influenced by art and using it as an inspiration to create new clothings.

#6th post
The Fashion Culture
This post is talkng about how culture can shape and change fashion trend around the world.

#7th post
Society meets Fashion
This post will be talking about how fashion and society can be used together. Will it be a pro or con?

#8th post
Music therapy
This post will be explaining on what is music therapy and how does it help others.
#9th post

Psychology Music
This post will be talking about how music define us and how does our mood can be affected by it.

#10th post

1) Essay choice (/ )
2) Identification of keywords and experts (/ )
3) Breakdown of the research domain and subtopics ( )
4) Generation of related questions and short answers (/ )
5) Identification of some assumptions and biases (/ )
6) Reviewing of the research literature ( )
7) Experimental /creative exploration of the question ( )
8) Relate the question to other lecture topics or courses ( )
9) Exploring possible thesis statements (/ )
10) Strategizing the essay structure or outline ( )
11) Work schedule ( )
12) Reflections on or tutorial sessions, etc. (  ) 
13) Summary of blog entries (/ )

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