
Music Theraphy

Music is something what we touch in our daily lives but little do we know what music can be used in the medical field. Music therapy is using music to help with therapeutic sessions and there are approved music therapy program by therapist. It helps people with managing stress, increase wellness, release their pain, enhances their memory and many more with music experiences.

Music therapy is almost similar to psychological therapy. Psychological therapy is more on talking base while music therapy is more on the music experience. Music therapy is not something you just do at home but it involves a therapist, a client and music and the therapist will use music that is suitable to help you with your psychological treatment.
Using different music can help in different situation as well as provide different type of cure. It can help remove anxiety, relief pain of a pregnant women. The slow paste beat of a music can help calm your heart down thus help you relax and feel comfortable.Music therapy can be very beneficial to our brain as music helps us to release something called endorphins to our brains which helps in lightening up our mood.

I love music. I really do love music. Music changes my mood, how I feel and how I think. In this research I am very surprised to know that there is something called music therapy and it made me appreciate music even more than ever. It's amazing how melody can help someone, clients, patient and even the sickest person in the hospital. Music therapy should be introduced to the audience even more because it is indeed a wonderful and special way to help someone.


American Music Therapy Association (n/a) What is music theraphy. Available at: (Accessed 23 June 2016).

Kalani Music (2016) What is Music Therapy? Youtube, Jan 3. Available at: (Accessed 23 June 2016).

mid-day (2015) Health: How music affect our lives positively and negatively. Available at: (Accessed 23 June 2016).

Tedx Youth (2013) When Meds Fail: A Case for Music Therapy: Tim Ringgold at TEDxYouth@BommerCanyon, YouTube, Feb 8. Available at: (Accessed 23 June 2016).


Psychology of music (2016) Music and Emotion. Available at: (Accessed 23 June 2016).

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