
Here is a little quick summary over the blog I've posted.

#5th post
Introduction to the Internet

This is just a very short post on me explaining what the Internet is, how does it work and what it's capable of.

#6th post
Global Positioning System: Safe or Unsafe

In this post I talked about what and how the Global Positioning System (GPS) works. It acts as a great navigation tool but it will sacrifice our privacy for it. The privacy of our location information is super important as it may or may not lead us into danger.

#7th post
Anonymity on The Internet

Here I explained what is anonymity and how does it work on the Internet. Anonymity will either protect our information from unwanted parties or people that are anonymous themselves will try to steal our identity to do crimes.

#8th post

This post talks about how firewalls protect our data and filters unwated websites or viruses from our computer. But at the same time it confines us from searching up into other information that we would want that is outside of our country.

#9th post
Privacy on Social Network

This post discusses on how the social network works around us and what it serves us for. At the same time I also talked about how our personal information will be leaked to the public through social network because social media is a vast website that many people would surf on.

#10th post
My thoughts and Opinions

In this post I talked about my thoughts about the whole topic given to me and how I felt about it.

1) Essay choice (/ )
2) Identification of keywords and experts (/ )
3) Breakdown of the research domain and subtopics ( )
4) Generation of related questions and short answers (/ )
5) Identification of some assumptions and biases (/ )
6) Reviewing of the research literature ( )
7) Experimental /creative exploration of the question ( )
8) Relate the question to other lecture topics or courses ( )
9) Exploring possible thesis statements (/ )
10) Strategizing the essay structure or outline (/ )
11) Work schedule (/ )
12) Reflections on or tutorial sessions, etc. (/ ) 
13) Summary of blog entries (/ )

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