
Solving the environmental problem

So, we have a problem. But we must have a solution. Here are a few solution and case studies I have research and found.

To solve this drastic problem, manufactures and companies should be responsible and change the materials they use to produce their products from raw materials to recyclable materials. By doing so, they could help recycle materials and prevent any more harmful toxics or pollutants during the process by using the raw materials. All natural materials are much safer to the environment because they do not need to be any altering compared to raw materials. Does using all natural materials help reduce environment problems and does it really benefit the company as well as the consumers? Here are a few study cases about this matter.

  • Sprint brand
  • prints envelopes made from wheat straw waste
  • 80% wheat straw waste for its customers mailings
  • cut the total weight of printing paper - 83% since 2007
  • save annually $500,000 on paper cost

  • Coca-cola produces the world's first 100% plant based PET bottle
  • plastic labelled with #1 code 
  • safe, light weighted, reseal ability, shatter resistance, recyclability
  • Plant bottle packages with sugarcane and waste from sugar cane
  • save the equivalent annual emmisions more than 315,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide

  • Kimberly-Clack developed a new renewable fiber sousing
  • tissues and towels out of 20% renewable plant-base fiber
  • wheat straw and bamboo fiber
  • Kleenex and Scott Brand

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