

Topics Given

1. Discuss the work of a designer, illustrator or typographer, how   the outcome have been influenced by the theories of Modernism and/or Post-Modernism. Explain how and why these ideas emerge through the work, using relevant examples, and analysis of the output of the chosen practitioner.

2. Study about the impact of a social trend, event or invention on the development of design practice. These trends/events/inventions may be, for example, the world wars, recession, urban culture or the internet. How has Graphic Design takes part for these changes? Discuss how the Graphic Design industry is adapted to these changes.

3. Compare the work of 2 Graphic Designers (or Illustrators or Typographers), one contemporary and one from the past. (Eg. William Morris during the Art & Craft movement and David Carson.) Discuss the worldviews that they share and foresee/predict what will be the scenario if this 2 designers’ path crossed.

4. Study the role of the Bauhaus in the history of graphic design and explain its significance. Discuss the theory/concept or worldviews that they shared and how its influence to current design scene.

5. Consumer society has widely influent the visual context. Show how the aspect of design (for example illustrations, typography appliances, poster art and photography) bring benefit or disadvantages to the lives of users.

6. Discuss how graphic design was affected by social and cultural changes in urbanisation. Write a case study of an example to illustrate your argument.

7. Discuss the role of designer in sustainable packaging design. Discuss the urgent needs and how it contributes to improve the society.

8. Study and discuss the influence of visual context of propaganda through out WW1 till the current scenario. Make reference to western and local examples.

Topics Chosen

#1 Discuss the work of a designer, illustrator or typographer, how the outcome have been influenced by the theories of Modernism and/or Post-Modernism. Explain how and why these ideas emerge through the work, using relevant examples, and analysis of the output of the chosen practitioner.

- I personally am studying as a designer and it would be a good study for me to know more about design itself as well as other type of designer I could be in the future. Understanding the different type of design work would be a good benefit for myself too for my future working and personal improvement. Through the analysis, I can understand deeper and slowly find a new different way to create a new type of design.
#2 Study about the impact of a social trend, event or invention on the development of design practice. These trends/events/inventions may be, for example, the world wars, recession, urban culture or the internet. How has Graphic Design takes part for these changes? Discuss how the Graphic Design industry is adapted to these changes.

- Design can be applied into almost anything. With that being said, through this study I am able to understand how to apply my designs into different aspect and how it would affect other people. As time changes, design also changes itself and it would be a good opportunity for me to study how it slowly changes and have a good observation on how design is working currently in the industry.
Discuss the role of designer in sustainable packaging design. Discuss the urgent needs and how it contributes to improve the society.
#7 Discuss the role of designer in sustainable packaging design. Discuss the urgent needs and how it contributes to improve the society.

- Packaging design is something different where by it catches people's attention and shows the identity as well as the image of the item or object itself. It is a designer's job to get the message and information right about the item or object through the packaging itself. Every market, everywhere, packaging is always needed for an item so it itself can do something and contribute to the society through a creative way.

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